Increase Of Fuel, Government Steps In Budget Efficiency
Denpasar – The increase in fuel is currently a hot topic in the community. Some many pros and cons occur in various circles of society. The increase in fuel which is the impact of the withdrawal of subsidies by the government is seen as a step in budget allocation. Subsidy costs that have been derived from taxes are deemed not right on target in reaching people who need them. (12/3/2022)
The Chancellor of the University of National Education Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM., ASEAN.Eng. mention.
“The current increase in fuel prices is the government’s response to the increase in world oil prices. With the reduction of fuel subsidies, we all hope that the existing funds can be better allocated to people in need”.

For Professor Sri Subawa, the equality of domestic fuel prices with the global market also has a positive impact on the government and the community, if managed properly the fuel subsidy budget which is said to be 70% only enjoyed by able-bodied groups can be a more appropriate investment capital. target. Previously, it was known that one of the reasons for the government to increase the price of fuel was the inappropriate allocation of the existing subsidies so that it was enjoyed by people who did not need it and were deemed not to be on target. The government is estimated to have allocated Rp 504 trillion for fuel subsidies. This number has increased considerably from the 2022 State Budget which was only Rp. 152.5 trillion.
“Of course, people hope that the steps taken by the current government can provide welfare and benefit to the people of Indonesia,” he continued.
As a society, we all hope that all government steps in making policies can provide positive benefits for the people, not only for some people or groups of stakeholders.