Undiknas Trough International Enrichment Program 2022, Together With Edith Cowan University Provide Insights And Cultural Introductions For Students
Australia – Monday, 01 August 2022 Undiknas University again departs for Australia in a series of International Enrichment Program 2022 programs. This Enrichment Program is an implementation program of Undiknas and Edith Cowan University Australia since 2017. This program is an international-based flagship program held annually by UNDIKNAS and must be followed by students of the International Class Program, Faculty of Economics and Business. (1/8/2022)
The ongoing International Enrichment Program 2022 activities get full support from the Rector of Undiknas University Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. in order to realize Undiknas as a World-class University. In this activity, students who take part in the International Enrichment Program 2022 have the opportunity to participate in various learning programs with international standard lecturers at Edith Cowan University Australia, one of which is the International Marketing and Entrepreneurship project. Students can learn about international economics and understand the local culture and atmosphere at Edith Cowan University Australia. This Enrichment program lasted for a week involving 24 students from the 5th semester of the International Management study program accompanied by Head of International Office Ida Nyoman Basmantra, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.M.

The agenda of International Class students in participating in the International Enrichment Program begins with welcoming the arrival of Undiknas University students at Edith Cowan University, Joodalup Campus. Students are warmly welcomed through orientation activities as their first activity when visiting Edith Cowan University. The enthusiasm of the participants is very visible in participating in the activities that have been held for them. Students have the opportunity to get to know extraordinary lecturers and have the opportunity to get direct international experience at Edith Cowan University Australia.

Through the implementation of the 2022 International Enrichment Program, it is hoped that Undiknas students can gain new experiences and knowledge that can enrich their horizons. All experiences and insights gained by students are provisions that they will take home to be able to participate and contribute to society later.