Undiknas Rector Has An Audience With The Regent Of Klungkung As The Early Step in Opening The Faculty Of Medicine In Undiknas
Klungkung – Rector of the National Education University (Undiknas) Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. accompanied by the Vice Rector of Academic Development Dr. Ni Wayan Widyasthini, S.Sos., M.Sc. In order to submit an application for cooperation with the Klungkung Hospital, on Wednesday, August 3, 2022, he met with the Regent of Klungkung, Mr. I Nyoman Suwirta. (3/8/2022)
The Undiknas Rector’s hearing with the Regent of Klungkung is related to the initiation of the Faculty of Medicine and the General Medicine Study Program at Undiknas. Prof Sri Subawa conveyed that the application for permission related to Undiknas collaboration with Klungkung Hospital as the Undiknas Main Teaching Hospital was one of the stages that Undiknas had to fulfill to fulfill the requirements to apply for the opening of the Faculty of Medicine and General Medicine Study Program at Undiknas. Klungkung Regent Nyoman Suwirta welcomed the plan to be initiated by Undiknas Rector Prof Sri Subawa.
“We are ready to accept this collaboration with Undiknas, hopefully later young doctors who come and study can help us, please carry out the cooperation process,” said Regent Suwirta

In the hearing, it was conveyed that the Klungkung Regency Government would provide optimal efforts in realizing this cooperation plan, later with the establishment of cooperation between Undiknas and Klungkung Hospital, it is hoped that it will have a positive impact on regional development and can contribute to the existing world of education and health. In line with the Regent of Suwirta, Prof Sri Subawa said, with a good welcome from the Klungkung Regency Government, his party was committed to immediately completing all the requirements for the opening of the Faculty of Medicine and the General Medicine Study Program at Undiknas.

The Rector of Undiknas and his team thanked the Regent of Klungkung and his staff for the response. At the end of the session, the hearing was closed with a group photo and the gift of a memento in the form of a book by the Regent of Suwirta.