Undiknas held a comparative study to Airlangga University, increasing students’ knowledge about the organizational system
DENPASAR – National Education University (Undiknas) in order to increase student knowledge about the student organizational system, holding a comparative study activity to Airlangga University (Airlangga University). As a forum for exchanging information, developing mindset, reasoning, and student creativity, the existence of an organization that shade it is necessary to continue to accommodate all the aspirations and needs of students in it. (1/6/2022)
Based on this matter, the Student Executive Board (BEM) & the Student Representative Body (BPM) of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences (FHIS) Undiknas held a comparative study activity towards Airlangga University.
“As an executive body that houses the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences must have capital in developing the body itself. It’s not easy to remain standing with a small insight into an organizational system. Therefore, the FHIS 2022 comparative study strives to build a stronger system in running an organization, “said Chelsea Implementing Committee Chair Jov Jon’s Murav in his interview.

The FHIS 2022 comparative study activity began with a good committee briefing from Undiknas together with the committee from Airlangga University. The next activity continued with the opening of the Master of Ceremony (MC) and continued with remarks from the President of BEM FISIP Airlangga Airlangga Unair, Governor of BEM-FHIS, Chair of BLM FISIP UNAIR, and Chair of BPM-FHIS Undiknas. The enthusiasm of Undiknas and Airlangga participants who were more than 50 participants also enlivened the FHIS 2022 comparative study activity. Not only that, but each division in each organization also carried out brainstorming. The issues of politics, PEMIRA, administration, and flow in carrying out an organizational system which is certainly different discussed in a comparative study activity yesterday. Each organization has its own characteristics and is an interesting fact for BEM & BPM-FHIS Undiknas.
Unair in its organizational system uses a party system in implementing an organization. Where, when one party dominates will make all members of the party participate in the dominance of a student government. In carrying out the administrative system, BEM Secretary and BLM FISIP UNAIR have the ease of making a revision and approval of the related dean because the system is run through email/online, and in running every work program, student organizations at Airlangga University have been given funds by the institution so that students are free to carry out work program that is run. Although it looks Unair has convenience, BEM and BPM-FHIS Undiknas have very different things from BEM and BLM Airlangga University. The Undiknas Denpasar Student Organization will make the inauguration first and will serve as an activist for 3 years. In contrast to Airlangga Unair which imposes an organizational system for one year of office.

After the implementation of brainstorming, the activity continued with games and giving souvenirs from each organization as a warmer in strengthening the intertwined relationships. The end which certainly did not end the close relationship between Undiknas and Unair was closed with the Tour Campus. Undiknas and Airlangga University leave a strong impression and friendship in the FHIS 2022 comparative study journey. It is hoped that through the comparative study activities that have been carried out yesterday participants can better understand the organizational systems in a running community, can introduce Undiknas, especially the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, as well as Become a means of developing a mindset in running an organization, and exchanging information about the government system adopted by BEM & BLM FISIP UNAIR.