Synergy of Undiknas Students in Sharing Love With KMB Undiknas
Denpasar – The National Education University (Undiknas) through the Denpasar Undiknas Buddhist Student Family (KMB) in order to express the students’ concern and social responsibility towards the community, on Saturday 9 July 2022 held a Social Service activity entitled Buddhist Care “Sharing Others in Simplicity with Love” Through Buddhist Care activities, the organizers want to instill the values of empathy, caring, teamwork and responsibility to the participants. In 2022, Buddhist Care activities will take place at the Salam Orphanage which is one of the orphanages that has been established in 1979. Located in Tabanan Regency, Bali Province, the Salam Orphanage accommodates orphans and underprivileged children so that their children can take proper education. Not only from the Bali area, but the children in the Salam Orphanage also come from other areas in Indonesia such as Sumba, Kalimantan, and Timor Leste. (09/07 /22)

The social service activity was attended by all internal members of the Denpasar Undiknas KMB, taking place from 9:00 WITA the activity was filled with handing over rocks to the Salam Orphanage. The assistance provided is in the form of daily necessities which can later be used to support activities for the children at the Salam Orphanage. The event continued with a play session after previously starting with a report from the Head of the Undiknas KMB Committee as an official sign of the start of the Buddhist Care social service event. The activity was closed with a group photo session and the presentation of consolation prizes to the children who won the activities in the play session.

“We hope that the ongoing Buddhist Care 2022 activity can increase our concern for our less fortunate brothers and sisters,” said Michael Nathan W, the general chairman of the Undiknas KMB in his interview. As the general chairman of the Undiknas KMB, Michael wants to continue to increase the student’s sense of concern for others, especially for those who have weaknesses both in terms of economy and other things. Through work programs launched by KMB Undiknas as a family, students hope to provide positive social and economic benefits to the community.