Successful In Implementing The International Enrichment Program Undiknas, Participants Get The Chance To Do Company Visits in Australian Companies
Australia – Wednesday, 10th of August, 2022 The International-based program, namely the International Enrichment Program held annually by Undiknas University, has been completed and successfully implemented. Although previously hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, this series of Enrichment Program activities have been carried out again and is an implementation of the collaboration between Undiknas and Edith Cowan University since 2017. This International Enrichment Program is fully supported by Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM., as Rector of Undiknas University. This weeklong activity was attended by 24 International Class Management students who had completed the 5th semester and were accompanied directly by Ida Nyoman Basmantra, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.M. as Head of International Office.

The agenda for International Class students upon arrival in Australia began with a warm welcome at the orientation event held by Edith Cowan University, Joondalup Campus. Next, they took part in Campus Tour activities around the ECU. The students seemed enthusiastic to participate in the activities that had been held and they also had the opportunity to meet extraordinary lecturers. On the next day, they take a short course program that has been specially prepared for them. The students also attend a workshop and learned directly from the experts before later on making a final project as a result of learning during lecture activities at ECU. They presented their final group project in front of the lecturers the next day. The enthusiasm shown by the students and lecturers gave a positive atmosphere to the class, while each group shared their best performance to present their final project. The day was closed by giving rewards and certificates to the students as a sign that they had participated in the International Enrichment Program 2022, given by the Vice Chancellor of ECU and Rector of UNDIKNAS University.

This International Enrichment Program was then continued with Company Visit activities. They visit several companies which provide hands-on opportunities for learning through exposure to diverse working methods, an in-depth understanding of the working environment, and employment practices. Furthermore, the activity continued with an Excursion Day where students explored the city of Perth which is the business center in western Australia. The Enrichment Program was closed with a joint Farewell Party held at Mill Point where they enjoyed the beauty of Perth, Australia before returning to Bali. The 2022 International Enrichment Program provides real international experiences for students, both in on-campus learning experiences and in exploring the country of Australia. This program was carried out successfully and is expected to be a stepping stone for other excellent programs in supporting the realization of Undiknas University as a World Class University.