Rise Together Post Inspirational Talk Pandemic With Airlangga Hartarto
Denpasar – Uncertainty is a challenge that continues to cling to the performance of the world economy during the pandemic. In 2022, many countries began to loosen social restrictions again because they felt they had been able to reduce the pandemic. In Indonesia, the pandemic situation has felt more controlled when compared to 2021, the government continues to strive to regulate policies amid the risk of uncertainty about the spike in COVID-19 cases that occurs. (11/7/2022)
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine also had an impact on the world economy as well as Indonesia. The increase in the Fed’s benchmark interest rate in reducing the surge in inflation also put pressure on the current national economic recovery. Comprehensive epidemic control is the government’s focus in the recovery of the national economy. Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Dr.(H.C.) Ir. Airlangga Hartarto, M.B.A., M.M.T. in a seminar held by the National Education University (Undiknas) with the title “Inspirational Talk with Airlangga Hartarto: Rising Together After the Pandemic & Mini Expo Studenpreneur” Coordinating Minister Airlangga Hartarto as a resource person gave his views on the direction of government policy in restoring the national economy.
“To restore economic growth, support from various Government policies continues to be carried out. One example is the policy of providing cash assistance to street vendors, and shop owners, and the KUR policy with low-interest rates which was initiated to help MSME actors while encouraging public consumption. ” Coordinating Minister Airlangga said in a seminar discussion session

The seminar took place at the Dwi Tunggal Auditorium, Building A Undiknas Denpasar in July 2022. Attended by the Rector of Undiknas Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. who also gave an opening remark in the opening session of the seminar. Also present were the ranks of the vice Rector along with the ranks of lecturers and dozens of students from the Undiknas environment. Dr.(H.C.) Ir. Airlangga Hartarto, M.B.A., M.M.T. was a resource person who was accompanied by Deputy 1 of the Coordinating Ministry, Deputy 4 of the Coordinating Ministry, and Mr. Tantowi Yahya who was a former Indonesian Ambassador to New Zealand who had completed his term of office at the end of 2021 yesterday. The seminar took place with great enthusiasm from the participants, Coordinating Minister Airlangga Hartanto attended with his staff and was greeted with enthusiasm by the students who attended the seminar. There were also various MSMEs in the Studentpreneur mini expo from students who also attracted the attention of Coordinating Minister Airlangga Hartarto.

Through seminars and mini expos organized by Undiknas, it can be concluded that the role of the younger generation as the next generation is very much needed in accelerating the rate of national economic growth. Through SMEs, the pace of economic growth continues to be driven by the government, initiative and high creativity from young people are needed for the realization of various innovations so that they can produce superior products and services that can compete in the market and turn the wheels of the economy. The seminar ended with the handing over of a certificate along with a memento from Undiknas to the Coordinating Minister for Airlangga, followed by a photo activity with all the seminar participants who attended.