Real Action for Social Activity (REAFOTY) #6 “The JUMANTIK Student Movement for Destroying Larvae UNDIKNAS”
Denpasar – The Management Study Program Student Association (HIMAPRODI Management) National Education University (UNDIKNAS) Denpasar has held a Real Action for Social Activity (REAFOTY) #6 with the theme “JUMANTIK Student Movement Killing Larvae”. REAFOTY #6 is carried out in providing knowledge about how to become an independent Lartic Monitoring Interpreter (JUMANTIK) at home and in the surrounding environment to students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, UNDIKNAS Denpasar. There are three series of REAFOTY #6 events, namely: fogging, counseling, and JUMANTIK. (24/6/2022)
Previously, in June 2022, fogging was carried out together with the Gianyar Health Office located in Bedulu Village, Blahbatuh, Gianyar. Based on information from the Gianyar Health Office, Bedulu Village has a larvae percentage of more than 3% so it is necessary to carry out fogging in the village area. This activity was attended by representatives of HIMAPRODI Management UNDIKNAS Denpasar functionaries and the core of REAFOTY #6. The REAFOTY #6 activity will continue July 8, 2022, with two activities scheduled, namely counseling and JUMANTIK which will be carried out in a hybrid manner. The extension invited speaker I Made Maba, SKM as the P2PM Sub Coordinator of the Gianyar District Health Office and also the Functional Epidemiologist of the Gianyar District Health Office in 2022 by presenting a material entitled DHF vs JUMANTIK. This activity was attended by students of the Faculty of Economics and Business UNDIKNAS Denpasar and UNDIKNAS Denpasar lecturers.

REAFOTY #6 took place at 08.00 – 14.20 WITA at the Multipurpose Hall, Banjar Selat, Belega Village, Blahbatuh, Gianyar. The outreach and JUMANTIK activities were closed with a group photo. REAFOTY #6 activities can be held smoothly and successfully both offline and online via Zoom Meeting. It is hoped that from this activity, all participants present can take the knowledge that has been conveyed by the resource person and can practice it as an independent JUMANTIK at home and in the surrounding environment to reduce the risk of spreading Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF).

With the holding of REAFOTY #6, it is hoped that it can provide knowledge about preventing Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) through 3M (draining, closing, burying) and can help people in villages to make efforts to mitigate and eradicate larvae to reduce the risk of spreading Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. (DHF). The REAFOTY #6 activity was also attended by the Head of Management Department of UNDIKNAS University, Komang Sri Widiantari. S.E., MSi who also opened the event at REAFOTY #6, then an invitation from the UNDIKNAS Denpasar Student Representative Council, BEM-PM UNDIKNAS Denpasar, Student Representative Body of the Faculty of Economics and Business UNDIKNAS Denpasar, Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business UNDIKNAS Denpasar, The Student Association of the Department of Accounting at UNDIKNAS Denpasar, the International Class Student Association at UNDIKNAS Denpasar, and the Board of Trustees of the Student Association of the Department of Management for the Period of UNDIKNAS Denpasar.