Grown On Diversity Raising Carefulness in Differences Create Together
Denpasar – In order to increase a sense of concern for fellow KBMHD (Hindu Dharma Big Family) which is one of the student families under the National Education University (Undiknas). Through the work program launched by KMBMHD, they held a series of activities entitled “Grown On Diversity”. (30/6/2022)
Seeing the current phenomenon of the State of Indonesia which has entered the endemic phase of the Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic. However, even though it is in an endemic phase, the negative impact of the Covid-19 virus pandemic is very real, especially in terms of the economy. Not a few people whose economies have been affected have become difficult, due to the virus pandemic.

Seeing this, a desire arises in the minds of each individual Student’s Family to carry out social activities as a form of concern for fellow human beings. The social activity entitled “Grow on Diversity” has the meaning of “growing in diversity” 5 (five) different Denpasar Undiknas Student Families, who grow in diversity but still have one goal.
The “Grow on Diversity” talk show is one of a series of events from the “Grow on Diversity” work program that collaborates with 5 (five) Undiknas Student Families, namely: Undiknas Hindu Dharma Student Family (KBMHD); Islamic Student Family (KMI) Undiknas; Undiknas Catholic Student Family (KMK); Protestant Christian Student Family (KMKP) Undiknas; and the Undiknas Buddhist Student Family (KMB). The synergies come from the Bali Bersinar Rotary Club and the Bali Volunteer Foundation. The implementation of the Grow on Diversity work program is expected to unite diversity so that it can create togetherness and share happiness, by sharing with others.
The Talkshow event was held in Hybrid with offline implementation at the Denpasar Undiknas Dwi Tunggal Auditorium and online through a zoom meeting. There are 100 (one hundred) participants who take part offline. Meanwhile, online as many as 150 (one hundred and fifty) participants. Some invitations from the ranks of internal Undiknas lecturers who attended this event offline were 35 invitees, as well as external invitees who attended online as many as 22 invitees.

The talk show event began with an opening by the MC (Master of Ceremony) followed by prayer and singing of the anthem Indonesia Raya. Followed by the welcoming dance, Prabha Sankara Dance, danced by the Bhanda Iswari Undiknas Dance UKM accompanied by musicians from the Undiknas Taksu Abhinaya Karawitan UKM.
Speech from the Head of the Student Club and Activity Center of UNDIKNAS University as well as the opening of the Talkshow event with a symbolic beating of the gong 3 (three) times, followed by the signing of the MOU by the Chairperson of the Committee and the Bali Volunteer Foundation. The talk show was moderated by Ms. Anak Agung Mia Intentilia, S.IP., M.A as Head of the Undiknas ASEAN and International Studies Center. The speakers who attended the Talkshow were Mr. Wayan Andy Karyasa who is the Founder of the Bali Volunteer Foundation and Mrs. Elsye Suryawan, S.Kom who is the Chair of the Bali Humanitarian Care Foundation (YPK).
Through this talk show, it is hoped that it can inspire the participants and increase a sense of concern for young people, especially Undiknas students so that they can provide benefits to others. As William Shakespeare said, “Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.” Virtue is courageous, and kindness is never feared.