Commemorating the day of the increase in Jesus Christ, the Undiknas Protestant Christian Student Group Holds Padang Worship
DENPASAR – The Family of Protestant Christian Student (KMKP) Denpasar National Education University (Undiknas) held Padang Worship. Padang Worship is not a worship activity originating from the Padang area, Padang worship for Christians is a worship activity that is died in other places outside the church area. Carrying the theme “Unlimited Love” Padang KMKP Undiknas worship activities this time were held at Taman Den Bukit Camping Ground, Bedugul. The activity began at 09.15 WITA until 13.30 WITA by involving all members of the Undiknas KMKP and presenting young priests (PDM) Ezra Gerald Killala as the speaker. (11/07/2022)

The Padang worship program began with remarks followed by raising praise followed by the delivery of the word of God as well as contemplation by the participants who attended the Padang worship event. The activity ended with the submission of a certificate to the speaker’s PDM. Ezra Gerald Killala was followed by offerings and closing prayers. The activity continued with games, and lunch events together closed with the announcement of games champions and photos with the entire committee, participants, and invitations.
This Padang worship activity aims to commemorate the day of the rise of the Lord Jesus for Christians, besides that the existence of Padang worship activities for Undiknas KMKP is expected to be able to build and strengthen faith in the spiritual life of students, as well as one of the efforts to increase intimacy between Protestant Christian Undiknas Denpasar students.

With the success of the implementation of this activity, we, the implementing committee will continue to try to make improvements and improve quality in the next work programs, so that the activities that have been carried out can always be beneficial for the Undiknas campus, KMKP members, the community, and all parties who have participated in the whole KMKP activities later.