Boost Your Investment Thought With KSPM Undiknas, a Talk about the Capital Market
DENPASAR – Denpasar National Education University (Undiknas) in addressing the current developments, through the Undiknas Denpasar Capital Market Study Group (KSPM) which is one of the groups of students in Undiknas held a webinar activity titled Sebin (Investment Seminar) 2022 Raising the theme “Boost Your Investment Thought With KSPM Undiknas”. Knowledge of the capital market today is a hot topic that seems to be something that must be known by students. The ranks of higher education institutions are currently very promoting the entrepreneurship movement, which is very strong in relation to capital, and of course, the capital market is the center of resources in achieving capital. Students as prospective college graduates are expected to be a pioneer of progress with all the knowledge they have gained in their education. (5/07/2022)

The implementation of Boost Your Investment Thought with KSPM Undiknas is a form of student answers to the importance of knowledge and awareness of the functions and how to maximize the use of capital markets in the community. Increased public interest in investing without being equipped with sufficient knowledge about the capital market is very risky to give losses to prospective investors, so it is very important for prospective investors to understand well what and how to understand the movement in the capital market. A good understanding of the basics of investing in the capital market can provide opportunities in gaining profits for prospective young investors in the future.

Seminar activities are held online through the Zoom Meeting. The enthusiasm of the participants was very visible in this event, although online held by participants who participated in the number 100 participants, the majority of whom came from the Undiknas student environment. In its activities the first seminar material described Investment Investment Exchange Fund (ETF) Instrument was presented by the resource person who was familiarly called Kak Krisna Handayani, he was a capital market consultant representative office IDX Bali.
Followed by material regarding the discussion of stock investment instruments by Helen Vincentia as the Equity Analyst of PT Phillip Sekuritas Indonesia and the last material that discusses how good psychology management in investing in the capital market presented by Axel Jeremy as the Co-Founder of After the completion of the material session was discussed the activity continued with a discussion session, the participants who attended had the opportunity to discuss with the speakers about various things they wanted to know in starting investing in the capital market. Through this activity, the organizing committee hopes that students can add insight and knowledge about important matters in investing in the capital market and how important emotional management is psychologically in investing.