Added Triasih Adiwangsa Babar Acarya Adhikari Commemoration of 29 Years of KBMHD Undiknas Holds Blood Donation Activities
Denpasar – Located in Building C, Room 1.1, Denpasar National Education University (Undiknas). A blood donor event was taken place which was attended by the general public. A series of blood donor events were organized by the Undiknas Hindu Dharma (KBMHD) extended family who synergized with Rotary Club Bali and IWAPI (Indonesian Women’s Entrepreneurs Association). This event is part of the 29th anniversary of the Undiknas KMBHD. The activity lasted for 2 days which was filled with blood donor activities and the peak night of the KBMHD Anniversary which was filled with slaughtering activities, sharing sessions, and entertainment from UKM Bhanda Iswari Undiknas. (6/26/2022)
As one of the most important components in the body, lack of blood in the body can spur a number of diseases starting from anemia, hypotension, heart attack, and several other diseases. Some other cases such as accidents and the process of giving birth also cause a person to experience a lack of blood due to severe bleeding. This condition certainly requires relevant agencies, such as PMI and hospitals, to always have sufficient blood supply. However, ironically we often find cases of lack of blood bags in the hospital while the need for blood continues to increase.

Based on a sense of concern for fellow KBMHD Undiknas in collaboration with PMI Denpasar City organizing blood donor activities with the theme “Increases Triasih Adiwangsa Babar Acarya Adhikari” which means through the noble hope to realize special lessons. Blood donor activities start at 09.00 WITA with participants from various groups of people, active members of the Hindu Darma Student Family (KBMHD) as well as invitees who are willing to attend and are interested in carrying out blood donations.

Quoting from the words of the Dalai Lama “Our Prime Purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them “which means, our main goal in life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them. KBMHD Undiknas hopes that this event it is hoped that it can help strengthen the fabric of brotherhood between student organizations (Ormawa) in the Undiknas Denpasar environment and realize community service activities which are one part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and also implement the teachings of Tat Twam ASI in the form of concern between people man.