Undiknas Train The Entrepreneurship Of Students Through Entrepreneurship Expo – Student-Preneur
Denpasar – The National Education University (Undiknas) in its efforts to continue to produce young generations with an entrepreneurial spirit, again held an Entrepreneurship Expo as the final project for students taking the compulsory basic Entrepreneurship course (15/06/2022). The Entrepreneurship Expo which took place on the Undiknas basketball court, this time was labeled with the name Student-Preneuer. This activity also invited crowds of students selling their creative products, as well as buyers who came to just taste the snacks that were served.
Student-preneur 2022 presents a variety of student business startups packaged in a variety of creative and innovative products resulting from the originality of student work from Entrepreneurship courses for one semester. Through this event, students run their business with a group of other students and in the future, it is hoped that they will be able to attract potential customers to be able to expand their business scale.

The development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) cannot be separated from the younger generation as a “warehouse” of product diversification creativity that can be offered to the public. Today’s young generation is a productive resource with creative ideas in opening a business and offering creative products that have selling value. The existence of fairly rapid development in the MSME sector at this time is very helpful for the government in suppressing the unemployment rate at the productive age. The more young people who are involved in the world of entrepreneurship, the more productivity will be generated so as to have a positive impact and contribution to the development of the national economy.

Through the Entrepreneurship course and entrepreneurship expo organized by Undiknas, in the future, it is hoped that it can continuously train the creativity of the younger generation and improve their entrepreneurial spirit so that they can continue to innovate and produce innovative products and services that can attract market interest. This expo activity is also a place for young entrepreneurs to be able to exchange ideas about their innovative ideas and create space to collaborate to produce new products that are unique and have high selling value.