The Undiknas Campus Is Back Back, Where Are All The Academic Civilities?
Denpasar – Since the implementation of a circular regarding face-to-face lectures in May 2022, the University of National Education (Undiknas) has had difficulty dealing with the surge in the number of students coming to campus. This also affects the need for parking spaces which is increasingly pressing with thousands of vehicles filling almost all sides of Undiknas so that many vehicles are forced to park outside the Undiknas area.

Facing these problems, the Undiknas Manager works hard to be able to regulate traffic flow and maximize the existing parking area to minimize the accumulation of vehicle flows which can later trigger congestion on the main road to Undiknas. Until slowly this problem can be resolved properly. However, not long after face-to-face learning was implemented, the Undiknas Campus was again quiet, quiet, without the bustle of student vehicles. The line of vehicles that in previous weeks filled the Undiknas parking area outside the campus area was no longer visible starting June 13, 2022, the other day.
After further investigation, the atmosphere of the Undiknas Campus was quiet due to ongoing Semester Final Examination (UAS) activities which were fully held online. This is the reason why there are not many student activities on campus. What’s more, after the UAS schedule ends, active Undiknas students will immediately use their rights to enjoy end-of-semester holidays until the 2022/2023 academic year in the coming weeks.
The UAS activity in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year is the final agenda of the student learning process for one semester as well as a marker of the approaching period of new student admissions at Undiknas for the 2022/2023 academic year. The Undiknas Management Board predicts that campus conditions will return to being crowded when the face-to-face lectures are held again. Moreover, Undiknas student organizations (ORMAWA) are increasingly active in carrying out their work programs.

The presence of new students who will start their study period in the 2022/2023 academic year is also estimated to greatly increase the traffic density at Undiknas. Thus, a more intensive arrangement so as not to cause unwanted things such as the problem of lack of parking areas and congestion that can occur due to the dense flow of vehicles is important to be considered by all levels of Undiknas Management.
Undiknas Rector, Prof. Shribawa confirmed that his party had prepared everything needed to deal with the surge in students in the new academic year that would soon take place. Prof. Shribawa hopes that all levels of the Undiknas Academic Community can contribute to the maximum so that lecture activities can run smoothly as they should.