Millennial Creative Anti-Corruption Education, Undiknas Prevent Corruption Culture
Denpasar – The current problem of corruption can be observed in the loss of a sense of honesty, caring, independence, discipline, responsibility, and hard work as an individual. Various efforts have been taken by the government in an effort to combat corruption. The establishment of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in 2002 is a form of supervision of corruption crimes that are rife in the Republic of Indonesia. However, the government’s role in fighting corruption feels less than optimal without public involvement. Based on the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) data, shows that Indonesia has shown signs of improvement, although it is still relatively fluctuating, this achievement needs to be continuously improved with the involvement of various parties.
In the education sector, the government has made efforts to invite all policymakers in the education sector from elementary school to university levels to teach and instill anti-corruption values from an early age to their students. Teachers, lecturers, and education staff together with various methods and their creative efforts instill anti-corruption values , not just theory but, focusing on the practical real-life of students in a concrete way.

The education sector plays an important role in the Anti-Corruption Movement. Through the Anti-Corruption Education Program (PAK), education is expected to be a driving force and strengthen the anti-corruption culture in Indonesia. The National Education University (Undiknas) as one of the leading private universities in Bali, understands very well the importance of PAK for its students. The formation of good soft skills in the educational process at Undiknas is expected to be the basis for Undiknas students as the nation’s next-generation, to be honest, caring, independent, disciplined, and responsible people.

One of the lecturers who support the PAK course at Undiknas, Mr. Kadek Januarsa Adi Sudharma, S.H., M.H., said, “PAK is a stronghold for students as the next generation of the nation and the nation’s leaders in the future so that they do not fall into corrupt behavior and other crimes that are not criminal. stems from acts of corruption.” said Mr. Adi. He also added that Undiknas lecturers always try to make students understand in-depth anti-corruption values through learning from case studies and at the end of lecture sessions, Undiknas PAK lecturers always invite their students to make a campaign pamphlet with the theme “Youth Against Corruption”. YAC)”.
The pamphlet was then distributed on student social media. Undiknas agrees that when students have the courage to campaign for YAC, they are expected to have sufficient self-awareness for themselves. Apart from that, through this campaign, Undiknas has also instilled PAK through mini-drama performances, interactive dialogue about corruption, solving real case studies, and many other creative PAK methods. Undiknas believes that creative ways, especially those close to millennials, will make it easier to instill anti-corruption values into students.