Mawapres Undiknas: Representation Of Undiknas in The Prestigious Academic Event In 2022
Denpasar – The Student Achievement Student Selection (Mawapres) in 2022 at the university level was again held by the National Education University Student Affairs Unit (Undiknas) at the Social Laboratory, Smart Solution Hall, Building A Undiknas (14/06/2022). The Mawapres Election is one of the prestigious student events organized by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. Before being competent at the national level, students between private universities were competing with other universities in their respective Higher Education Service Institutions (LLDikti) areas.
After going through the stages of selection for mawapres at the faculty level, three students, representatives from each faculty, finally met to be competitive again at the university level. The three students are Galih Harisson Suryaraditya, Komang Maya Sukmawati and Merva Puri Salvia. They are selected students who are representatives of their respective faculties.

The reviewer during the final selection of mawapres at the university level was Mrs. Dr. AAA. Ngurah Sri Rahayu Gorda, S.H, M.M., M.H., who is also the Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Finance, and Mr. Dr. I Made Wirya Darma, S.H., M.H., who is also the Vice-Rector for Students Affairs and Alumni. Each participant presented their scientific work and showcased their respective talents to convince the two reviewers to become Undiknas representatives at the Regional VIII Regional LLDikti Mawapres Election. The competition will be tougher at the LLDikti level so that they can advance to the national level.

According to the organizing committee, this event is very important for them improving the academic abilities of Undiknas students. Participants can also participate in channeling their interests and talents through each stage of the selection carried out. The activity took place with great enthusiasm from the participants, the reviewers who were present also appreciated all the hard work that had been done by the participants. After a tough discussion between reviewers, finally, a student named Merva Putri Salvia from the Law Studies Program, Faculty of Law, Undiknas, will represent Undiknas in the Mawapres Election at the LLDikti Region VIII level. Hopefully, Merva can bring the good name of Undiknas to the national event.