Introduce Local Culture To Foreign Students, Undiknas Targets Traditional Markets And Cultural Festivals
Denpasar – The National Education University (Undiknas) held a short excursion program as a form of final activity for foreign students who took part in the short course program at Undiknas. This activity is held under the coordination of the Undiknas International Office. After being hit by the Covid-19 Pandemic for approximately 2 (two) years, for the first time now Undiknas can hold this program by inviting foreign students to get acquainted with local Balinese culture. During his busy schedule, the Rector of Undiknas, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM. had the opportunity to take part in directly taking Undiknas foreign students to the Badung Market and visiting the Bali Arts Festival (PKB) at the Denpasar Art Center (15/06/2022). Prof. Shribawa, as the academic community greeted him, was accompanied by the Head of Undiknas International Office, Mr. Ida Nyoman Basmantra, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.M., commonly known as Mr. Basma, and his staff.

The foreign students, mostly from Germany, were introduced directly to Balinese local wisdom in the Balinese Traditional Market. They were given a certain amount of rupiah to be used to buy vegetables and fruits according to the notes on the shopping list that they had obtained. The shopping enthusiasm of students is very clearly seen from their excitement in haggling prices with sellers. The traders at Badung Market also looked very happy and proud of the Indonesian language practiced by foreign students. “When I go shopping in my country, mostly they are offered a fixed price so, I cannot do this kind of negotiation process. That was so fun and challenging of course,” said one foreign student, Julia.
It was not enough to arrive at Badung Market, the foreign student was then invited to visit the Bali Arts Festival (PKB) at the Denpasar Art Center. They were invited to visit various kinds of local Balinese crafts (ranging from traditional fabrics, jewelry, and paintings, to decorative decorations by local craftsmen) and to witness firsthand local Balinese performances that were being staged at that time. At the end of the session, the Undiknas Rector invited foreign students, and Undiknas Short Course Program participants to taste Balinese culinary specialties near Goa Lawah Tourism Object. After enjoying a culinary lunch, the excursion program was closed with a session of handing over a program graduation certificate by the Undiknas Rector to foreign students participating in the Undiknas Short Course Program – June 2022 at the Goa Lawah Beach Tourism Object.

Through this activity, the Undiknas Rector hopes that foreign students who have currently completed the short course program at Undikans will not only gain knowledge from an academic perspective, but also get to know more about the local culture in Bali as an invaluable cultural experience, and of course can be a valuable experience for them when they return to their respective countries. Undiknas also hopes that in the future more foreign students will come to Undiknas, not only taking short course programs but also taking degree programs.