Undiknas Through The ‘Good’ Program Distributes Grants Tens of Million Rupiah to Young Entrepreneurs
Denpasar – The National Education University (Undiknas) through the Undiknas Entrepreneurship Internal Grant Selection Committee Team held an Entrepreneurship Bootcamp as the final stage of the 2022 Entrepreneurship Internal Grant Program Selection (BAIK) at Kopi Bali Camp, Pupuan Village, Tabanan for two days, 27 – 28 May 2022. The Bootcamp activity presents mentors who are qualified in their respective fields regarding aspects of digital-based business development, in accordance with the theme of the BAIK 2022 Program, namely, “The Rise of Technopreneur”. The BAIK 2022 program has successfully selected 6 business proposals to be able to take part in the Bootcamp session. The group of students who are members of the 6 proposals consists of Undiknas students who also collaborate with other students from universities throughout Indonesia. Collaboration made by students further strengthens the proposed business idea.
The first day of the Bootcamp was filled with material presentations from the mentors and discussion sessions between participants and the mentors who were presented. On the last day of Bootcamp, the Business Plan that has been perfected by all participants is reviewed by invited reviewers who are present. Participants who have participated in Bootcamp and enrichment activities for 2 days 1 night, prepare all the necessities in the final assessment process, later their business ideas will be presented to reviewers to determine whether or not the business idea is eligible for funding injections from Undiknas. The reviewers presented are Undiknas academics who have also been in the business and business world for a long time. One of them is the Rector of Undiknas.
Undiknas Rector, Professor Nyoman Sri Subawa accompanied by Mr. Ir. Gede Humaswara Prathama, S.T., M.T., Mr. Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Darma Paramartha, S.T., M.T., and Mrs. Putu Purnama Dewi, S.E., M.Sc., accompanied the Rector in providing further input and direction related to the Business Plan presented by each Bootcamp participant. The four reviewers agreed that each business idea has its advantages and uniqueness to be able to compete in the business world. At the end of the assessment session, the Undiknas Rector as a representative of the reviewer and on behalf of the institution handed over a golden ticket and funding for each business proposal. They will use the golden ticket to get more intensive guidance in the context of realizing their business and participating in the Student Digital Entrepreneurial Innovation Program from the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Directorate General of Higher Education. Tens of millions of rupiah were disbursed by Undiknas to support the realization of the 6 business proposals that participated in the Bootcamp activity.

Through the implementation of the 2022 ‘BAIK’ Program, Undiknas hopes to help students, who are also prospective young entrepreneurs, to be able to realize their business ideas and expand the businesses they already have. In the future, Undiknas hopes that the business starter, which starts from the ‘BAIK’ program, can be more serious in forming an Individual Limited Liability Company (PT). With the existence of an individual PT, the business initiated by students will have better prospects and sustainability in the future.

The maximum support provided by Undiknas is the institution’s way of producing young entrepreneurs who will be able to boost the economy of Bali in particular and Indonesia in general with their business ideas. Keep learning and keep trying is the key to running a business, perseverance is a value that every business person must have and capital is the fuel that can move all the resources needed to run a business. Hopefully, the spirit of entrepreneurship and the injection of funding provided through the 2022 ‘BAIK’ Program can be channeled and contribute to the wider community.