Undiknas Communication Sciences Department Talks About Branding, The Importance of Personal Branding
Denpasar – Personal branding is said to be an intention to compose and build other people’s perceptions of one’s self. In simple terms, personal branding is how someone ‘markets’ himself to others. In today’s digital era, digital footprints form a person’s perception that can define his character. Online media through social media is also a place for the current generation to accommodate a portfolio as a way to display one’s strengths or advantages in a field.
The National Education University (Undiknas) through a series of COMBREEZE #6 work programs under the auspices of the Communication Studies Study Program Student Association (Himaprodi) held a talk show at the Dharma Negara Alaya (DNA) Art & Creative Hub (07/05/2022). The activity carries the theme “The Essential of Personal Branding in the Digital Era”, which explores the importance of personal branding that each individual has in the current digital era.

The talk show activity invited two speakers who were competent in their respective fields. The first speaker was a lecturer from Undiknas, namely Mrs. Putu Dyah Permatha Korry, S.E., M.M., and the second speaker, a YouTuber from Bali who has managed to reach 11.5 million subscribers, namely Yudist Ardhana S.Sn., S.H. In the talk show activity, the Chair of the Communication Studies Study Program was also present as well as the Chair and Deputy Chair of the HimaProdi Communication Studies and his staff.
The talk show activity discusses how personal branding has an important role in building self-image or the process of forming, attracting, and maintaining public perceptions related to aspects that a person possesses such as skills, achievements, personality, or values that are built intentionally or unintentionally. In today’s digital era, personal branding will be very easy to form through social media. This is in line with the material presented by one of the speakers, Mr. Yudhist Ardana, who invited participants to create a YouTube Channel and shape public perception through interesting content that characterizes him.

The organizing committee has high hopes that this talk show, it is hoped that it will be able to assist the participants in finding and displaying a positive image of themselves so that it can continue to build the ability to build one’s trust and loyalty. Thus, a person can have the ability or provision to be able to ‘market’ himself. Through personal branding abilities, a person will be more easily recognized by the public through his work or expertise.