Personality Development Class: The Gait of Undiknas Students in Public Spaces Should be Supported With Good Soft-Skills
Denpasar – Every individual certainly has their own perspective in interpreting the quality of life. Some interpret it from a spiritual and financial perspective. This is because each individual has a different level of self-development so that the need for development can be said to be different. There are individuals who need self-development related to careers, such as jobs, positions, and so on. On the other hand, there are those who need self-development related to abilities and talents, such as public speaking, arts, sports and the like. Then, there are also those who need self-development related to their financial or financial condition.
Self-development is defined as a strategy or method carried out and attempted by individuals to develop self-awareness or self-awareness of potential, talents, skills, and abilities with the aim of improving the quality of life. The National Education University (Undiknas) pays attention to the self-development of its students by holding Personality Development Class periodically for all students in Undiknas. This activity always reaps positive feedback from all the students who attend, it can be seen from the enthusiasm during the discussion session.

In the fourth week of April 2022, as scheduled in the academic calendar, Undiknas again held a Personality Development Class activity located at the Antonio Gramsci Room 2nd Floor, Building A. This activity is an Undiknas Academic Program which has been periodically scheduled in order to improve the quality of graduate competencies. especially in the soft-skill aspect of students. This activity also provides students with an understanding of self-concept, strategies for communicating in public spaces, establishing relationships or relationships with other people, and how to apply them to the world of work and society at large.
This activity presented two Undiknas structural officials as resource persons, namely the Vice Rector for Academic Development, Dr. Ni Wayan Widhiasthini, S.Sos., M.Sc. and Vice Rector for Human Resources and Finance, Dr. AAA. Ngurah Sri Rahayu Gorda, S.H., M.M., M.H. The two resource persons have a mission to provide understanding and knowledge to students regarding matters related to self-development and its benefits to students after completing university level studies and when they enter the world of work and society.

After a student’s learning process has ended in the campus environment, the community and the world of work are where they will take their next role, so Undiknas considers it important for its graduates to know how to behave and behave in a good manner at their next destination. In other words, soft-skill is one aspect that plays an important role in the social life of the student community as well as when students have moved on to the next stage, namely in the world of work. Hopefully what is the purpose of holding Personality Development Class Activities can provide benefits and have a positive impact on the social life of student communities in the future.