Combreeze #6: “Be Confident And Improve Your Creative Side” Together Communication Study Study Program Undiknas
Denpasar – In commemoration of the 18th Anniversary (HUT) of the Communication Studies Program at the National Education University (Undiknas), the Student Association of the Communication Studies Program (Himaprodi) Undiknas held a series of competitions with the general theme, “Be Confident and Improve. Your Creative Side”. The series of competition activities in the Himaprodi work program are labeled with the name Communication Breeze #6.
Communication Breeze (ComBreeze) #6 held three types of competitions related to Communication Studies as the organizing study program. The three competitions include the Podcast Competition, Artwork Competition, and Commercial Video Advertising Competition. The Podcast Competition carries three topics, namely 1) Pleasure of Social Media, 2) How to Overcome “Insecure” in Communicating in a New Environment, and 3) Trends in “Code Mixing” in Communicating with Today’s Children.

Furthermore, the Artwork Competition was held in the individual category with the topic “Freedom of Speech in Digital Communication”. Next, another competition category will be held in the Commercial Advertising Video Contest. This competition is held in a group category with a maximum of three participants in one group. This commercial video ad competition carries the topic “Sporty”, which is also in collaboration with the Company Pocari Sweat’ as a product that is promoted in this competition. Himaprodi Undiknas Communication Studies is optimistic that this activity will be able to raise the existence of study programs in particular and Undiknas in general so that the Undiknas Communication Studies Study Program can be better known by the wider community.

The judging in this competition was carried out by a jury consisting of lecturers and environmental practitioners of Undiknas on May 6, 2022, in a hybrid way, namely through Google Meet and directly in one of the Undiknas meeting rooms. There are also judges who come from outside the campus, and who are experts in each category of competitions held. After a long discussion, the winners in each category were finally decided. The winner of the Podcast Competition is Prayogi Alam Nugraha, the winner of the Artwork Competition is Audrey Josephie, and the last winner in the Commercial Video Ad competition is Gusti Agung Putu Abhianjaya’s group.
With a total of 34 participants, it is hoped that the series of competitions held by the Communication Breeze #6 committee can be a forum for people who have interests and talents in the science and skills being contested so that their talents can be channeled and the contestants can find out the parameters of the competition. their expertise.