Undiknas and University Open, Cooperate in The Realization of The Distance Education Study Program
Denpasar – The National Education University (Undiknas) cooperates with the Open University (UT) through the Distance Learning Program Unit (UPBJJ)-UT Denpasar in the context of implementing the Distance Education Study Program (PJJ) undergraduate program which will soon be owned by Undiknas. Located in the Undiknas Chancellor’s Room, the Head of UPBJJ-UT Denpasar, Mr. Agus Tatang Sopandi, S.Sn., M.Pd., was present directly to have a friendly and discuss with the Undiknas Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Sri Subawa, S.T., S.Sos., M.M., IPM., related to the implementation of the PJJ program holistically while still prioritizing the quality of education (14/4/2022). This meeting also discussed the Undiknas cooperation plan with UT which had been stated in the Cooperation Agreement (PKS). If both parties have agreed on the contents of the PKS, then the PKS signing will be carried out directly between the Undiknas Chancellor and UPBJJ-UT Denpasar.
On this auspicious occasion, Prof. Shribawa, as the Chancellor of Undiknas is familiarly called, said that Undiknas will never stop learning and improve the quality of its education, one of which is by adding the PJJ Management Study Program to the Undergraduate Program. The Chancellor of Undiknas also added that Undiknas is ready to collaborate with various parties including UT in supporting the implementation of the PJJ S1 Management Study Program which is being proposed by Undiknas to the Directorate of Higher Education Institutions.
Both parties have agreed on the contents of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) and agreed to immediately sign the PKS at this auspicious moment. In addition to regulating cooperation in the field of the Tridharma of Higher Education, PKS also regulates the assistance of the PJJ program by UT to Undiknas. This mentoring activity will further finalize Undiknas preparations for opening the PJJ S1 Management Study Program.

As is well known among academics, UT as an educational institution, which is a pioneer in the implementation of distance education, of course, UT’s experience in technical implementation and standardization of distance education implementation is beyond doubt. Thus, the collaboration between Undiknas and UT is expected to support the realization of the Undiknas PJJ program in the future, of course with the mission of providing educational programs that can reach people in 3T areas (Front, Remote, and Disadvantaged).

The Undiknas Chancellor’s meeting with the Head of UPBJJ-UT Denpasar ended with the handing over of mementos from Undiknas and UT as a symbol of the official establishment of a cooperative relationship between the two parties. Hopefully, with this collaboration, Undiknas and UT can continue to contribute to the world of education based on what has been mandated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, and continue to innovate in the mission of educating the nation’s life.