Grant of “Liga Kampus Merdeka”: Undiknas participated in the Monitoring and Evaluation of 2021 MBKM Program
Denpasar – Using virtual meeting, Universitas Pendidikan Nasional had the opportunity to report on the implementation of the “Independent Campus, Freedom to Learn” (known as Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka or abbreviated as MBKM) program to the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (known as Ditjen Diktiristek). This activity was in the form of Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) event for the Grant namely “Liga Kampus Merdeka” on December 27th, 2021. This activity was implemented in order to improve the quality of the Independent Campus Competition Program (generally known as Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka or abbreviated as “PK-KM”) at universities receiving government assistance/grants within the Directorate General of Higher Education. The Undiknas Task Force Team, led by Dr. Ni Wayan Widhiasthini, S.Sos., M.Sc., led the report on the implementation of activities and the use of the budget from the PKKM grant.

Since the implementation of the MBKM program at Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, many grants or assistance from the government to support the implementation of the program have been received by Undiknas. In 2021, Undiknas won the PK-KM grant competition for 2 study programs including the Management Study Program and the Law Study Program with a fund of 1.7 billion. These funds are intended for the development of learning support facilities, capacity building for lecturers, and student incentive assistance. The PK-KM grant competition between universities throughout Indonesia can be said to be very tight. It was because there were several stages that must be passed including submitting a proposal, administrative selection, to verifying the feasibility of funding activities in the proposal. The university has passed the first verification in July 2021 by the Reviewer Team, namely Prof. Nasfryzal Carlo and Prof. Ali Saukah from Belmawa Dikti.

The outcome this activity is that the Legal Studies Study Program has created a moot court laboratory based on technology and the Undiknas Management Study Program has equipped technology-based equipment for the management laboratory. In addition, the increase in the capacity of lecturers at Undiknas can be seen in the Legal Studies Study Program, there are 8 lecturers who have been certified CCD (Certified Contract Drafter). On the other hand, in the Management Study Program there are 10 lecturers certified in Digital Marketing and 1 lecturer certified as an International Qualitative Researcher. Then, for student incentives, in the Law Study Program there are internship programs, student exchange programs and humanitarian projects, for the Management Study Program there are internship programs, entrepreneurship programs, and student exchange programs.
Vice Rector for Academic Development, Dr. Ni Wayan Widhiasthini, S.Sos, M.Sc. said that the entrepreneurship program was the flagship program at Undiknas in accordance with the Undiknas tagline, namely “Techno Research-preneur University”. She also said that the Undiknas Milestone in 2021 was the year of entrepreneurs and Undiknas had gone through it well. Throughout 2021, the university has received several grants including: PKKM grants, Distance Learning grants (known as Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh or abbreviated as PJJ) for Information Technology Study Program, Center of Excellence grant for Communication Studies Study Programs, Past Learning Recognition grants (known as RPL) for Electrical Engineering Study Programs and Civil Engineering. Almost all study programs at Undiknas have received grants in 2021. These grants, apart from being a value fund, also make Undiknas learn to make regulations and make a strong foundation in the field of academic regulations so that their implementation can be even better. The output obtained for Undiknas is also quite a lot, such as lecturer certification, SOP, academic regulations and the university that categorized as 3rd league because it is in accordance with the number of Undiknas students. It is hoped that in the future Undiknas will be ready to compete for grants again in 2022.