A Book Entitled “Waralaba 4.0: Isu, Tren dan Evolusi Waralaba di Era Digital” by Rector of Undiknas Received an Award as the 3rd Winner in the Entrepreneurship Category from the National Library
Denpasar, 17th of November 2020 – 2020 Best Library Award was held through Zoom Meeting and could be viewed Live Streaming on YouTube owned by National Library of Indonesia. The event organized by the National Library of Indonesia was an annual event that aimed to appreciate Indonesian writers whose books had been published in print and e-book versions and recorded in the National Library of Indonesia.

More than 200 titles of entrepreneurship category books had been entered the National Library. A book entitled “Waralaba 4.0: Isu, Tren dan Evolusi Waralaba di Era Digital” (Franchising 4.0: Issues, Trends and Franchise Evolution in the Digital Era) by Dr. Nyoman Sri Subawa, M.M. and Dr. Ni Wayan Widhiasthini, M.Si. had been successfully become the winner of Best References in Entrepreneurship Category 2020.

Hopefully, the awards achieved could become an inspiration for the wider community regarding the business that led to Franchising 4.0. It also would be a medium to revive economy of Indonesia which was currently experiencing a recession. In addition, the award won by Dr. Nyoman Sri Subawa, M.M. and Dr. Ni Wayan Widhiasthini, M.Si. could always motivate Undiknas lecturers and academics to continue working and sharing their knowledge in the form of scientific writing.